Thursday 30 April 2009


- Our Historical Moments 07/08 -
(days when we still had the freedom to move about without being caught)

Hours spent studying. Seriously.

Dude teaching another dude to dance.

Pokka Apple Tea anyone? Or you want the girl? ;)

Picking out dirt from my then phone, W760i

The blonde moments. :D

Cleaning out crumbs from the sexy mouth. :D

Grab a buddy and you'll never get lost, both in lectures and in the school ;)

Sell the hair, baby!

Was a boring lecture! Wouldn't you do the same? Cheh, dont lie~

Thumbs forever :D

As Tassha said, days when we all had fruitful, fun, bonding lives. Before the MP-SIP hell that is Apr 09 - Aug 09. Le sigh.. Miss those days.

Oh and these pics are all thanks to Tassha's Motorola Razr. ;) couldn't have done this post without your phone, love. And i had fun writing this out. HAHAHA.


Wednesday 29 April 2009


- MP-SIP hell 2009 -

Loo shot 1

Loo shot 2

Loo shot 3 ;)

Loo shot 4 :D

Loo shot 5 Oh yeah, baby!


Tuesday 28 April 2009


- MP-SIP, 28 Apr 2009 -

Tassh: *points to MSN pop-up with a display pic saying "I Love MP"* Eh siow... I love MP. LOL
Lana: *looks* Hmph, siow memang.
Tassh: rofl. siow may-mang
Both of us: *couldn't breathe coz laughing too damn hard*


piccy daily

aint that the truth? LOL

thanks Tassh!


Monday 27 April 2009

you shall die with MP

(Since the day and time is already shown on every single post i make, i shall begin with the rest that aren't shown. Cheers :])
Weather: Simmering Hot - Use sunscreen!
Craving of the moment: my paycheck!
Music: From Imeem(c) - Taylor Swift * You're not Sorry [Dare i say, it's a beautiful song]
Pictures: Can't upload. Using school computer. Lolz
Now that my problem's done and over with, another new bigger problem has risen and i have no idea how i'm gonna deal with it. it's not like it's a problematic problem, but it's just involving some emotional things in between and it's pressuring me to make decisions for the sake of me and my future, apparently. i know it doesn't sound like a huge problem, but it kindda is to me. i'm not gonna go into detail about it, but will try my hardest to keep it together.

Other than that, coming back to work was daunting. my family sent me to work 1 hr earlier, so i spent time getting myself ready, no rush, and slept the whole 50 mins in the office until 12pm where i officially start work on that day. and it turned out fine, no huge-ass complaints, or problems that i get fired up and freakishly angry over. there were several new faces in the store and i couldn't help but get very curious about them. my friend said i should pretend to be 18 and get close with them. what the heck? lolz

now i'm in class, stuck in it actually, and doing my best to concentrate without flipping through websites and pretend i'm doing something when everyone knows i'm not. Hey! i'm not the only one who's far gone from researching/creating/designing things. but we are doing our best to do as much as we can. not that we wanna spend our time lazing around all day, really. lol. but if my brain did shut down on me, i'll resort to typing a join project with Tassha and hope, harder, for the best. Lolz

til then, keep my statistics climbing! :D


Thursday 23 April 2009

familiar? :)

MUTEMATH - Spotlight

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Momentary lapse of funny

- Moments in the classroom

PS: this is during morning shift of MP-SIP hell 2009

Me msn-ing Nigel (we're not far from each other): she's horribly, awfully, totally, unreasonably ashamed of your wits, your pants, your pms-ing wallet and your good-for-nothing spams

Nigel msn-ing Me (seriously, we're not far from each other at all): she's happy, fantasizing, totally reasonably proud of my intelligence, my pants, my happy wallet and my entertaining msn msgs

BAHAHAHA. I have to salute you for that larh, Nigel. That was an awsm spam, i gotta admit. LOL

Monday 20 April 2009

mp meets cooky

Day: Monday
Time: 1320
Weather: Dry, Cool
Music: Teacher talking with a thick Indian accent
Craving of the moment: Cadbury with Crunchie (oh
yeah thats the shit)
Pictures: Be thankful it's no longer about me now lol
OK, 20th Apr 2009 mark the beginning of my 19-week torture that is MP-SIP. After a 3hr long of briefing, introductions, grandfather stories - i am serious - and some laughter, i finally realised how grave the situation has become. We can't afford to play around anymore, nor can we afford to lose an important grade this time around. If we do, we gotta repeat another 6 gruelling months of MP-SIP one more freaken time. How cruel is that? But i gotta admit, it's necessary to enforce some rules so that we can be controlled and get serious even when time didn't call for it. We gotta be prepared for the near future, right? Guess this is the first step to become professionals, eventhough we've been trained to be one in our early years. This will definitely cement it into our system, to make it a habit that shall die very very hard.

But the most unfortunate thing for me and Tassha, was the fact that our supervisor was none other than the Course Director of my course. O.M.Freaken. Gawd. It seriously can't get any worst than that. And in the lab, we're the only two sad pathetic souls that got attached to him. Everyone else gets a pretty so-so teacher. But we? Gawd, we get the scariest most strictest supervisor ever. And he'll prolly be hovering around us every step of the way. Which prolly is the best since we needa buck up a tad bit more. I dont wanna slack around anymore than i already had past 2 yrs. LoL.

Other than the nightmare that's beginning to torture me to no end, old problems have risen and i just can't fathom the anger i'm keeping inside me. It's so huge, it's bubbling at the brim. It's nearing my limits and i doubt i can hold it in any longer. I'm afraid it'd ruin me, the person responsible, and everyone else around me. That includes my parents. I told them, mom especially, and she's just as pissed as me. Which is a huge plus for me since she'll be on my side and telling me what to do, and what not to do. Dad, however, is trying to keep a straight face when me and mom knows well enough that he does want my problem to end, like forever. But being the parasite, it can never let go. It's just effing tiresome. (Mind the teensy bit of foul-mouthness)

Nothing much else is happening, other than the fact that i adore my Cooky so much that i get people to text me back so i could use the touchscreen keyboard whenever i turned my lovely phone horizontally. It's da bomb! Hahahaha. Oh and i bought another new Vampire book, called Marked. So far so good, i'm beginning to follow it up since it's almost similar to Twilight. By means of it being serial, comprising of four very lovely-looking books, and being quite the cheap buy.

Take care!


Saturday 18 April 2009

i heart work

Found my name yet? xD

Just a picture i took with Cooky, of an "album" one of my colleagues drew on a slab of cardboard in office. HAHAH. It caught everyone's eyes and oh boy did everyone enjoyed reading it through. Laughing while reading out the nicknames we gave to every single one of us. It was funny, i had to admit it and i thought it was the most loveliest thing i could ever have as a memory. so i snapped pics of it. HAHA. It was funny.

I love my colleagues. Both the bad and good side of them.

Well, think that's it i guess. i was working from 9am til 1230am. nice... LOLz


Tuesday 14 April 2009





Over and Done.

Thursday 2 April 2009

read well.


everyone must've been hosed down with more than one problem, i'm sure of it, because i have been a victim of 1001 problems myself. but please, if you wanna burden someone with your problem, let me give you one simple IMPORTANT advice:


not everyone wanna know what you're going through, unless you minimalise it or chop it down into brief descriptions of your misery. or better yet, dont mention it at all until you find a good, comfortable, safe outlet for you to vent out. i am not saying that i dont like listening to problems. i am quite the good listener. you tell me things, i accept them, i analyse them and i question MYSELF whether i should/could answer. when i've come up with an answer and realised it doesn't sound right, i shut my mouth and told myself to respect one's choices, judgement, attitude, and perspectives on said problem.

i admit, i've been mourning more than once on my blog about several repetitive problems, but after ending that LONG, painful bit of my life, my problems have dissipated into nothing but mere "work issues" and politics - as much as i hate them, omg. but anyways, girlfriends, best friends, friends, you can tell me anything you want. tell me larh, dont be afraid.

but YOU, my friend. you and your "on-off girlfriend" issues. O. M. G. i have had enough of hearing you whine and complain to me about her, asking me what to do, my opinions, blah blah BLAH! initially, i was very welcoming to help you. i was concerned, i was worried and i was nice. i told you the general knowledge that ceasing all contact with her was the only way, but did you listen? NO. i can understand you felt so much for her, and you forgave her after spreading out your conditions. but look what happened now.

here you are, texting me to no end, asking me how i am, when i'm starting work, when we can meet up for lunch or whatever, and for what?! to complain more to me? and in my face?! to show me how much you're suffering? what do you want from me then? to comfort you, to coo you, to soothe you, to make you feel better again? dude, i am no longer your girlfriend.


do not make me angry at you anymore. i'm over being frustrated whenever you called or texted asking how i am after our break-up. but after awhile, i was finally fine and i was able to look at your face without feeling the need to punch it right in and tell you to get out of my freaken life. and because you felt so comfortable with me being "fine" with you around, you tell me EVERYTHING. i was fine hearing stories of your family, your school, your work, but NOT about you and HER.




so dont mind me being touchy all of a sudden. i've realised what mistakes i have done. however, i've never regretted speaking to you and giving you my opinions. i also told you that i am merely a friend and i should not be held responsible for whatever outcome you get. you know whatever happens happened because of what you choose. if you ever, so help me God, blame ME, you are no longer my friend. if i seem hypocritical to you, screw it. i am being honest. and i do not want to be involved any further into your problems. you've got your family behind you, go ask them. i can only help you so far.

stop hurting yourself and MOVE ON. it's part of life, it makes you learn, it makes you stronger. if you feel like crying, GO CRY FOR ALL I CARE. i did my fair share, so why not? you want to talk to me, talk when you are stable enough and calm enough to share about something OTHER than girl-problems. please, i've washed my hands off you and her.

I'm done ranting.

all my love to my gfs, best friends, friends. :) you still have my listening ear whenever, wherever. just beep me! :D