Tuesday 29 December 2009

Winner is... Sezaire - wait, WTH?!

Warning: This post will be full of text, no pictures of any sort, and it might offend some people. This blogger, however, do not have any intentions to offend, hurt, or cross any lines with anyone who knows her.

Salutations! OK, so i'm supposed to be working on my report right now but there is something i've been meaning to get out of my chest ever since the Results show aired on Saturday. As you all know, Sezaire won Singapore Idol Season 3. Some may think he deserved it, while others were sure Sylvia would win. I hadn't been following the show like i used to when i was younger, but when i watched her sing on the finale i was sure she would nail it because all three judges were beyond impressed with her performance, her voice and her talent. Even Ken Lim hinted that she was the better singer, and the deserving winner for this season. But, to no surprise, Sezaire (the underdog dubbed by my own Momsie) won. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs. Not in happiness. Not with cheer. But in complete, and utter shock.

Seriously. Like, WHAT THE HELL???

Three seasons straight all the - assuming - PRs/foreigners were always getting the lowest votes, the harsh cruelty of the patriotic fans... I mean what is this?? You wanna import American Idol to Singapore: OK. You wanna open the auditions to EVERYONE: OK. So comes the foreigners from all walks of life (Australians, M'sians [i think], etc.) But when they were chosen to be the finalist and were depending on the people, which in this case are the SINGAPOREANS, to vote, they hardly get enough to save them for the next round. And why??? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT TRUE-BLUE SINGAPOREANS??? I mean, WHAT THE HELL! You auditioned them.. you welcomed them.. you supported them.. but NO ONE seems to wanna give them the chance they deserve because they are NOT born-Singaporean. -____- OMG we are SOOO fair.

URGH. i was so freaking mad!


If you people dont wanna have a true-blue Singaporean to be your Singapore Idol, DO NOT audition them in the first place! DO NOT invite them over here. DO NOT manipulate them. DO NOT give them hopes that foreign talent ARE ABLE to win! GEEZ!!!! OMG, my blood is boiling as of this moment and i am not kidding. What kind of behaviour is this?? And now i know they gonna have another season -.- well have fun then. I WONT be surprised if the foreign talents in the top 12/13 get voted off even before they can PROVE their worth in the show.

Eh, please larh.. Don't act hospitable and then after that go patriotic and vote for the truest person - the true-blue Singaporean. So what if Sylvia is born-Philippines? She's got the chops, the makings of a wonderful singer/entertainer. You gave her hope. You gave her motivation. And then you just drop her like she was nothing because she's NOT Singaporean???? Geez! Come on, seh.. -.-

Maybe the people who voted WERE blind. Poor Ken gotta waste his saliva all night saying to vote wisely; not based on looks or charisma alone, but by their sheer talent.

You really think you made the right choice?

I don't think so.

Thursday 24 December 2009

satellite heart

Elo-elo! :D

So, as i promised, the new 'do!

I love it!


Tuesday 22 December 2009

5 straight hours :)

Salutations, my fellow readers. Welcome to me-wittle blog. :D

Once again, i have come to leave y'all hanging and wondering how i am with stuffs thats going on in my life. Much to your dismay, i'm a private person - depending on the things i keep private and close to my heart. But there are things i cannot hold in. Things that i'm so proud of. Things that deserve to be told, shared and seen by many :) And those are of my pals, and my beloved family. Some may disagree with the fact that i disclose many things in here, but i know the lines drawn between what's private and what's public.

Anyways, the final year peeps are dreading the day when we gotta go back to the place that is TP. 2 weeks just isn't enough for us to completely lie down on our beds, think about things that we never thought we would, and begin indulging in our past as a crazy bunch of misfits. :) Despite being like a dysfunctional family, we were still a family.

I'm gonna miss everyone once we OFFICIALLY graduate from school! Gosh, i can see it now... the tears, the flashes from the cameras, the tight hugs and speeches, the air-kisses and the shaking of hands, the pride btwn student and teacher and parent(s), and the certificates given to every single one of us. Wow.. as much as i fear for the emotions i will be having on that very day, the relief i will feel once i step out of that school will be humongous that i think, that sort of emotion, will be the biggest i've ever felt in my life. Period.

Sigh.. i'm graduating at age 22. -.- old.

Picture time! :D

Izyana and her new hair-cut :D lovin' it babe!

I've saved my long, LONG hair for so long i can't remember when i started keeping it. I'm gonna miss this hair coz people: listen up! I'm gonna cut it, have bangs (maybe) and sport on a new 'do! :D Yes. ME! And being ME, i shall post a pic of me after i snip my tresses for everyone to see!

'Til then, take care y'all, and God Bless :)


Monday 7 December 2009

years i will always cherish. friends i will always remember

Month: December
Week: 2
Occasion: Term Test

The last and final set of term test that all 3rd yrs will be doing for this week. And hopefully, no one's gotta repeat another semester and do another 6 mths of dreary classes and rules.

And after that, Final Year Examinations.

A month or so later, GRADUATION.

Sigh.. Now that i think about it, which i have to admit, is becoming much like a constant thought than a mere event that we're naturally bound to feel exhilarated about, i feel pretty sad that we're gonna leave this school - FINALLY! - but still, no more funny shit in school.. no more looking at beautiful people.. no more ditching classes and having hefty lunch.. no more bubbly friends to chillax with.. :(

I'm very much gonna miss all that. Gonna miss my lovely class. Miss my bestie of 3 yrs - praying for more to come. Sigh...