Friday 30 May 2008

if only pains could be cured

Ambitious and blonde, she catwalks down the sidewalk
Confident and witty, she smiles at anyone who stares
Delighted and grateful, she kisses her mother's picture
Hopeful and faithful, she looks into the sky

One night, she steps into a club, dressed in white, boots and red lips
She tied her hair up, splashed some colour and a cheeky grin
She sits on a stool, glanced to the bartender, and raised a finger
Being happily served, she waits for her order, and watches
A band began to play, and the singer sang his heart
Curious, she listened while sipping her drink, and eating a tart
The singer caught her eye and sparks began to fly
He came down the stage, with microphone in hand
Slithered through the seated crowd and before her, he came to stand
She looked up at him, into his bright blue eyes
He looked down at her, into her shining green eyes
He finally sang the end, lowered his head, and kissed her lips

Two months down the road, hand in hand they walked
With smiles upon their faces, and love in their eyes
People passed and could've wished more for themselves
Truth be told, they don't know the whole story.
If only all known illnesses could be cured,
And no one would die.
If only doctors are smarter,
Then no one would cry.
If only she could live for three, four years
Then he wouldn't have suffered.
If only she came sooner into his life,
Then he would've married her.

Three weeks later, here he stands, looking down at his one true love
He couldn't see her, but he knew she could see him
He couldn't feel her, but he knew she could feel him
He couldn't kiss her, but he knew she could kiss him
If only their fate turned out different,
He wouldn't have to stare at her brown coffin
If only their love was stronger,
Then she could've fought harder.
If only it was him to die,
Then he wouldn't have to cry.

* END *

Well, a poem speaks for itself. It might not rhyme, but you gotta read between the lines like i've always warned my readers to. Yes, a story is meant to be read, enjoyed, spoken of, and be treasured. But a story, isn't just a story. A story has meaning; an unseen meaning. You may not see it as obvious as the print in the books, but the meaning is as clear as the sky only if you felt the characters, and the author. That's how i would read a book. I feel for the characters - i cry, i laugh, i agree, i disagree, i love them, i hate them, i feel them - and i see the source of these lovable characters. These wouldn't come to life if it's not because of the author. =) Hehe


PS: To all my TP friends, good luck in your term test! Hope we all don't fail. Just pass is fine, though. LOL!

Monday 26 May 2008

Let me hear you scream!!!!!!!!!

OK OK, so i hadn't been very observant with my ever-so lonely blogg. But you've gotta understand: i gotta work, school, eat, sleep, get lovey-dovey with my one and only, and have some alone time with moi. So of course, this blog has slipped out of my mind even though i had thousands of things to say, both relevant and irrelevant. However, nothing serious has happened, as of now, so just bear with the good stuff. =)

Aside work being shitty one moment, and being oh-so-heavenly the next, i love my job. Somewhat. It may be a difficult one since it's almost like customer service, but i was able to meet a variety of people; both the bad and the good. And then with school, oh shit... I think i'm gonna fail something. I have that horrible feeling that i'm gonna do badly this year. And unfortunately for me, i have to admit it's because of my work and how much sleep i've been lacking. I cannot help but get sleepy once the lecturer speaks (even when it's about something very, VERY important. Shit! I tried my best to always get as much sleep as i can, but there's always something to steer me away from my lovely soft bed. Always.

But the very real reason why i wanna blog is because of what happened yesterday after i got home from work. I was still in my home clothes (pink long-sleeves and jeans), and was comfortably rolling on the floor with my mom, and we were flipping through cable channels trying to find something interesting to watch. Mom said there's SUNSHINE and 300 going on, and i said why not watch 300. It was 15 mins after 9pm so it was quite early through the movie. And we chanced upon Gerard Butler getting himself ready to scream the most famous line: "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!" *kicks poor black man*

And then we continued watching until when they lined up to go to war. Gerard Butler was telling his comrades something, and this man replied... by yelling at him. I can't remember what he said but immediately my Mom said;

MOM: Eh, they yell alot eh?
ME: *being oh so smart and witty -coughcough-* LOLOLOLOLOL! Mommy! Imagine this! *grabs Mommy's arm and starts yelling* MOMMY, GO COOK!!!
MOM: *grins* OK, darling... *pretends to carry hot food* Nah! *pretends to throw it in my face* LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
ME: *rolling on the floor laughing, turns to siblings* RAIYA, GO DO HOMEWORK!!! SHAKIR, GO PEEE!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Eh, Mommy! Listen, listen! *pretends to call* GRANDMA!!! WE WANT TO COME OVER!!!
MOM: LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Yeah, now we yell. Wait til' i fart!!!
ME: *struggling to breathe because laughed too, too, too hard* AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHHA!!!!! If like that, Mommy, become earthquake!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA! It was soooo funny! I laughed soooo hard! My Mom couldn't handle me and my witty. Hehe.

Oh and my Dad just got back from Sydney, Australia. There's a McDonald's convention there so he's flown there for a 'gig'. Lol. Welcome back ABAH!!

Bye y'all! XOXO

(Using school comp, thus the lack of colour and text alignment.)

Sunday 18 May 2008


So, someone COMPLAINED that my blog has caught the dust in this internet abyss, therefore here i am trying to say something but i dunno what to say. But i'll just update anyway, since i too, am bored with what i see. Although somehow, my pictures have disappeared so i'm just gonna republish them here. LOL. Just get sick with my pictures for all i care, y'all! =)

Anyways, this month has been horribly shaky for me. Not to mention school - half the time i'm sleeping away during important parts of lectures or tutorials (one thing i should STOP), and work which seemed to have gotten more complicated than i thought. Here i am trying to earn a living (somewhat), and there's some freaking people trying to make my living even harder and miserable. Difficult not to mention! Sheesh, this ain't secondary school anymore! And there they are, flirting about, flaunting their blossoming love to everyone, not caring if it's affecting their professional image or not. Sheesh, i feel like slapping them both awake and scream down their faces to just be professional for goodness sakes! Damn these two-faces peeps! Grr!!!!

And then... well, i'm not gonna touch on the next crisis i'm having since we both decided not to tell anyone. Fine then. I'm trying my hardest to find my footing again, but he made it harder for me. And i'm just too scared, yet paranoid at the same time. What can i do to make him like before? Haish. Oh well.

Hmm... Apparently, my pictures came on top instead of here. *blinks blinks* Oh well. LOL


Friday 2 May 2008

darkness befalls upon thy heart

Night fell, as she wandered aimlessly
Wanting nothing more to do with the evil of this world,
She ventured out on a vengence, shamelessly
Wishing the evil away, she brandished a knife
Striking at anything that crossed her path, furiously

She screamed into the chilly, silent night
With stars above her, twinkling bright
She strikes down on her third,
Only to find it was only a bird
She hungered for more, something more satisfying
She raised her head, prayed to the Heavens,
Something more worthwhile, something gratifying

Then comes a man, equal to her tender age of twenty,
Adorned with looks of the angel of Death - sexy and pretty;
She stalks toward him, knife in her deathly grasp,
She stroked his smooth face, licked his lips, and kissed him,
She touched him, wrapped her body around him, breathed him,
He touched her, slowly and steady, tenderly and lovingly,
They kissed with fiery passion, exploding with every sensation,
She shed her clothes, down to her shoes and rings,
He shed his, down to his socks and cufflings,
With calm, she tossed the knife and grabbed at his hair,
Hungry for more, desperate for love.

He touched her neck, closing and releasing
He touched her face, breathing in and out
He fingered her hair, yanking for a memory
She called out for more, more of him, more of this love
He whispered her name into her ear,
With a voice sweet and beautiful,
And he kissed her, like they'd been lovers their whole lives.

But when she thought she was getting close to climax,
Something hard and cold had struck her back
She choked for air, sensing an eerie chill freezing her nerves
She felt cold, and held on to him
She asked him what happened, but he only stared into her eyes
She touched his lips, wanting to have more
But he furiously pushed her to the ground, not caring anymore
He stood on top of her, grabbed hold of his knife, and yanked it out
She screamed at the top of her lungs; pain coursed within her
She raised her head, and watched his evil eyes bore into hers
He calmly wiped her thick red blood from the blade with his shirt,
Tossed the knife behind him, approached her and held her face
He smiled, tenderly kissed her cold, pale lips, and said:
"You're more evil than I am. You're more evil than death itself."
"For that, you shall die here, by my blade, by the tears of the innocent."
"No one shall suffer the pain you caused, nor shall you suffer anymore of yours."
"Rest, child, for you are mine now. Forever, you are mine."

= END =

Well now, that was... something. *blinks blinks blinks* What was that, you ask? Well, keep on asking 'coz i don't know what just happened to me. I just opened blogger, clicked New Post, and began typing this poem - or probably a prose, what have you. I can't really explain what it meant, but i can tell you this piece, is truly dark. The darkest i have ever written in my entire life. It may not rhyme much at the end of each sentences like the rules of poetry writing declared to all poets. It's not the normal poem you'd normally read but it's something different, no? From writing sappy romance poems, i'd rather write something out of the ordinary. I think i did fairly, but what do you think? =) Hehe.

If you don't understand, well... don't bother asking me. Simply put: READ BETWEEN THE LINES. Maybe you might understand your own interpretation of this piece of literary art. LOL.