Friday 30 May 2008

if only pains could be cured

Ambitious and blonde, she catwalks down the sidewalk
Confident and witty, she smiles at anyone who stares
Delighted and grateful, she kisses her mother's picture
Hopeful and faithful, she looks into the sky

One night, she steps into a club, dressed in white, boots and red lips
She tied her hair up, splashed some colour and a cheeky grin
She sits on a stool, glanced to the bartender, and raised a finger
Being happily served, she waits for her order, and watches
A band began to play, and the singer sang his heart
Curious, she listened while sipping her drink, and eating a tart
The singer caught her eye and sparks began to fly
He came down the stage, with microphone in hand
Slithered through the seated crowd and before her, he came to stand
She looked up at him, into his bright blue eyes
He looked down at her, into her shining green eyes
He finally sang the end, lowered his head, and kissed her lips

Two months down the road, hand in hand they walked
With smiles upon their faces, and love in their eyes
People passed and could've wished more for themselves
Truth be told, they don't know the whole story.
If only all known illnesses could be cured,
And no one would die.
If only doctors are smarter,
Then no one would cry.
If only she could live for three, four years
Then he wouldn't have suffered.
If only she came sooner into his life,
Then he would've married her.

Three weeks later, here he stands, looking down at his one true love
He couldn't see her, but he knew she could see him
He couldn't feel her, but he knew she could feel him
He couldn't kiss her, but he knew she could kiss him
If only their fate turned out different,
He wouldn't have to stare at her brown coffin
If only their love was stronger,
Then she could've fought harder.
If only it was him to die,
Then he wouldn't have to cry.

* END *

Well, a poem speaks for itself. It might not rhyme, but you gotta read between the lines like i've always warned my readers to. Yes, a story is meant to be read, enjoyed, spoken of, and be treasured. But a story, isn't just a story. A story has meaning; an unseen meaning. You may not see it as obvious as the print in the books, but the meaning is as clear as the sky only if you felt the characters, and the author. That's how i would read a book. I feel for the characters - i cry, i laugh, i agree, i disagree, i love them, i hate them, i feel them - and i see the source of these lovable characters. These wouldn't come to life if it's not because of the author. =) Hehe


PS: To all my TP friends, good luck in your term test! Hope we all don't fail. Just pass is fine, though. LOL!


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