Monday 14 April 2008

More pics on Fri Night

Like old times.

What a waste. Seriously. Sorry, nurul-dearest.

I dunno what she was trying to do, but it looked like she was showing me THE FINGER.

Ah, a pretty shot. =)

She was mad about... something.

Ah, yes. What a pose. XD "Gimme a grr, baby! Pout for me! Pout!!"

The only shot of us, threesome, which looked gorgeous. No?

Top shot: Attempt 1

Top shot: Attempt 2
OK larh tu!

Somehow... my phone can't get enough of her. -.-

I look evil! No!!

Uh... The End?

Shots of us outside Starbucks Coffee at Suntec City. Half the time, while we were roasting and sweating in our sweat inside my car (which has a moody air-conditioning system), we got lost trying to find the CARPARK ENTRANCE to Marina Square. Can you believe it? And although it's darn hard for me to admit, but i'm glad Ida knew the way around. If she wasn't there, and it's just me and Dily, i don't think we'd find our way OUT of town. Seriously. And when we followed street signs and trusted on our instincts, we finally entered the so-called FULL carpark, found a parking space, and breathed cool air. I was soooo relieved we found a parking space. I was so afraid that we might not find one. LOL.

Then we went up to Marina Square, sat at Burger King to have our dinner, and guess what? What a way to start off our night out, IDA. I was trying to prettily eat my chicken burger, when all of a sudden she drops her REGULAR-SIZED cup of Sprite to the floor. God knows how that happened. So, of course, being seated IN FRONT OF HER, i got quite soaked. Well, not that soaked, thank goodness. It was only my sandals that got wet. I made a face at her, sighed heavily, and watched her panic and giggle. Dily was beside her, shaking her head. I was in front of her, saying "What a nice way to start the night, Ida." I can't understand how one person could be so clumsy, have butterfingers, and just be so clumsy all at the same time. LOL. She's soooo accident-prone! Sheesh!

Then as i was cleaning my sandals, Dily dropped her fries and we teased her. LOL. We were teasing each other so much! I was being mean most of the time, but i just had fun with them. I was being proud of myself, since i've found out that i am pretty much funny. LOL! Then after that debacle, i went to Watsons and got myself a proper mascara. Haha. I was being so weird. Then we head off to Suntec City and sat at Starbucks. Once we entered, we were greeted by a very cute malay boy. But it wasn't special treatment of course. I was the one who walked in first anyway, so it can't be because of something else. He was trying to be friendly. LOL. So i asked the gurls what they wanted. With NO hesitation whatsoever, they ordered: Chocolate Cream Chip Frap and Raspberry Cream (I think). Then i asked if they wanted a slice of Oreo Cheesecake, and with NO hesitation as well, they said yes. I ordered those stuffs for them, another Chocolate Cream Chip for myself, smiled at the boy named Yan, and walked outside to our table.

Dily was attracted to him, no doubt. Ida was teasing her so much about it! LOL! Now that i think about it, we were teasing her to the extreme! Even down to her braces! I felt bad, but it was because of her expressions that got me going. Like fuel to fire. LOL. Sorry, love. So we got our drinks and there we were, snapping pics and laughing at each other. Then it was around 10+ and we head off home. I can't remember much of Friday night, so mind me for being very bland on my description. =)

Weekend's over, so work hard on your weekdays, y'all! =)




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