Sunday 30 March 2008

Live thru the shit, don't ever quit

As usual, loads of shit happened to me. Apparently, i'm a magnet for shitty-assed, snobbish, difficult, stubborn pieces of meat called CUSTOMERS. I know i sound horribly harsh, but i cannot take these people! What the hell is wrong with treating us, cashiers, with RESPECT, DIGNITY, PATIENCE, and above all, POLITENESS? Is it sooooooo hard to smile a little, forgive our mistakes, forget that we're stumbling all over to let them go quickly, and thank us for not making them wait three minutes longer than they expect? Sheesh! You're not as privileged as you think, all right!? Just because you earn hundreds of dollars MORE than what i earn A DAY, doesn't give you ANY sort of right to boss me around, to point out my stupidity, and BLAME EVERYTHING ON ME OR LACK THEREOF. I mean, goodness sakes! There are LOADS of people like me out there who'd treat you TERRIBLY if you were served by them. My God, you should thank whoever that i am DECENT enough to SHUT MY MOUTH! At least, i am wise enough to actually have shut my mouth. What about you, Sir? I'M NOT YOUR MAID YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT! "Lesser bags please, wanna save the earth. He-he." I about puked in your groceries. Arse-hole.

Well, like i told myself. I face these crap for a reason, and that is to train myself to be a thick-skinned employee. Fully-equipped with experiences with snobbish customers, and utterly aware that we, Singaporeans, are getting more and more kiasu by the SECOND. But the worst part, i'm a Singaporean too. And unfortunately for me, i can relate, in some way. Although, not all Singaporean's are as bad-ass as those i've met in the flesh. There are nice businessmen and women out there who aren't out to whiplash me for no reason at all, or to stomp me down with their expensive leather shoes just so i could feel smaller than them. I like nice people, and i treat them with sincerity when i serve them. I meant what i say when i thanked them. I meant it when i smile at them. I meant it when i serve them. But darn, i think my workplace holds a huge neon sign saying "ALL SNOBBISH, IMPATIENT, DIFFICULT, SPOILT, STUBBORN, INSENSIBLE PEOPLE PLEASE INVITE YOURSELF TO OUR STORE AND HURT OUR CASHIERS TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT. DON'T SAY THANKS OR SMILE!" I mean, really.

Sigh. Well, i'm not gonna dwell any further of how my day went yesterday. At work, i mean. But i think i don't wanna care about how they treat me, because i know well enough they will be treated the same way one day. Hopefully, much more worst. I hope he realised that i was nice enough to not fight back, or give him the leverage to tell my bosses to fire me. WHO'S THE STUPID SHIT NOW, HUH!!?? *sticks out tongue* Arse-hole.

Me and Magdalene (future schoolmate) =)

My younglings =p

We will miss you so much, Yee Heng!! Take care =)

Me, Mag, Pamela, Hwei Shyan

Haha! I rmbr taking these pictures with them. I was in a rush yesterday after my supervisors counted my money. I was planning to take the transport van home and get my bicycle. But my dad called me up at the last minute and asked me if i wanna hitch a ride. 'Course, i obliged and hurriedly snapped piccys. Especially with Yee Heng, since he's leaving. Actually, today's his last day. Sad but true. He's a nice guy, very funny and supportive. =) Hwei Shyan's leaving too, tomorrow that is. So i promised a piccy with her as well. Oh, and i'm getting my first pay tomorrow!!! Yay2. But i'm not entirely certain of the amount, but i hope its more than 500. I soooo hope it's more. Haha.




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