Sunday 27 April 2008

Pics, pics, pics!

Hey my peeps! I'm baaaaccckkkkk!!!! =) Hehe. Well, i wasn't away for long actually..... Anywho! =) Hehe. Just got back from work. Yes, y'all read right. I JUST GOT BACK FROM WORK.

Time Check: 02:11

Surprising? Nah. LOL. Anyways, i got new piccys since i've been loading y'all with boredom from my textfull of angst and whatnot. These are piccys on ONE GLOOMY THURSDAY during lab. LOL. [Nothing to say at the moment, thus the dull words in post]

She intentionally made that face. -___-

Great. She does a pretty, and i do an ugly. -______-

My little work area in the lab. =)

Stuffs you'll find in my bag (on a school day). Yes, inclusive of novel. =)

Stuffs you'll find in my little cosmetic pouch. [Yes, i bring it always]

Clearer view. =p

Some stud in class. LOL! Nah, it's just Terence sleeping away.

Well, these are from class. I've got loads where me, BF, and little sis met up under the block for some quality time. LOL. Mostly it was between me and BF, but sis was used to being around us so she actually did enjoy herself - until she got tired that a scowl grew on her face and we all jetted home. We met up because it's been quite a long time since me and BF sat down and just enjoyed each other's company. I kindda miss those times. Just look at his face, smile whenever he look at me with a quizzical look. I'd laugh at him, give him a peck on the cheek for old time sakes, and enjoy hearing his voice. Sighhh... Missing him now. Damn it. LOL.

Well, i won't show most of the piccys. But i will show a few. =) Enjoy!

Eh, who is dat in the middle??? Sebok jek.

Again! Sheesh!! LOL

Somehow my mouth chooses to stay closed and tight. =x


Ah, great. All gone ugly....... except for me, of course. Teehee =D


I'm off, y'all! Ya'll take care aite? Hehe.




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