Wednesday 25 June 2008

Less talk, just look

Ahhh... Here begins my irregular updates. Since i've begun school and have received horrible test results, i am now going to be much more busy with catching up on my lessons, work for more income and possibly a promotion, and to be there for my lovely man. =) Other than that, nothing's happened that was deemed serious so i will only keep the text short, and the JPGs all-a-piling. =)

PC Show (12-15 June 08)

Promoters. Lovely people.


This is what little space i had to work with.

Yep, was at the PC Show. I had to do some cashiering at one of the four booths we bought. LOL. I kindda felt honoured to be involved. We had so much fun! AHHAHAH! On the last day, we had to push these little tables from Convention Hall (Tower Five) to Carrefour (Tower Four) - it is very far! - and we were laughing all the way! We looked soooo silly, got all noisy, and enjoyed everyone's company as we pushed our heavy tables along cobbled paths - which got the table wobbly and everything jumping off its place. XD Couldn't forget that moment. HAHAHAH!

From Left: Clement, Tassha, Meng Siang, Ming Sheng

Hiding: Terence ; Oblivious: Nigel ; Colgate: Yours Truly

I was trying to get Terence to look up so i tickled him. XD

The horseface! NOOO!!!

Once again, he hides, Nigel's playing my PSP, and i smiled. -.-

The man and his dream machine. =)

Well now, that's quite a number of piccys i've taken, don't you think? Anyways, right now, as i listen to old songs, with the curtain flying almost above my head due to cool strong winds blowing just outside, i plan to concentrate on my studies harder and not sleep. But then again, i needa catch up on my sleep so i tend to forget the most important. Oh well, sleep keeps me active don't it? HAHA! Oh darn, i'm hungry. Well, take care guys! =)



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