Monday 24 December 2007

Parties and Weddings - Both not mine

Forgive the unattended blog of le pwincess, i have been busy with emotions and laughter. LOL. Firstly, i managed to grab a wonderful yet bittersweet date with my boyfriend on Saturday, and boy was it a turbulence. I was happy one second and bam! There goes his steam of anger and sour smiles. I didn't believe he's alright for one minute! I was so sure he still have that bitter grudge against me and i asked if he wanna talk to me about it. He said it was nothing and told me to drop it. Great, here i am enjoying myself when i thought i was enjoying this with him. Really, i didn't expect to be smiling by my own damn pathetic self. But as always, being the one who voices out anything that gets me thinking for three hours, i voiced out my discomforts and insecurities and ignored him as much as he ignored me. I really felt like i was LAMP POST. Get that? A friggin' lamp post! Sheesh! Then of course, after i voiced out he does what i told him to. I don't want him to do things just because i told him to! Why can't he do it by himself? Why must i start and he end? Why must i force myself to order him around knowing that both of us dont like it? Sheesh...

But after a while, i forgave him and we slowly let things go. I told him to always talk to me if he has problems. If he keeps on being quiet, imma have to interrogate him, even if it means making him fume with steam like a train. Although, the real highlight was the birthday party i and Nurul were invited to attend after 6 at Sarah's place. It was her brother's 10th birthday. We came an hour too late but not too late to meet the whole family tree - on boyfriend's mother's side. Everyone was there, all his aunt's and his cousins. And as expected, i stepped in and everyone stared at me and my poor friends, wondering who in heaven's name invited strangers. But thank God, his sisters and mother was there. And there was Kak Noor too! Gosh i like her. She sees me and i salam her hand and she said "Finally i see you in person." I laughed. She had me at that line. Then i salam his older sister and asked me why i came without him. I sighed and shook my head, saying that he wanted to come separately. He didn't say it though, but me and him just knew that he wanted to come separately. His mother and youngest sister asked the same and i said the same darn thing. They were disappointed, but i was undoubtedly lonely and depressed. Nurul kept grinning at me, but kept saying how much she pitied me. Even her lovey-dovey sister and her boyfriend commented. What else can i say? He's too darn private to even save me from depression. Sigh.

But the whole party went alright, except for a little hint of teasing here and there, that was it. Then Nurul went home, quitely rudely to me. I didn't know whether to side with her or go against her because on both sides of justice, she's got too many reasons to back her up. Oh well. Then, boyfriend called me up from outside the house - i was still inside enjoying the Pictionary game they put up - and asked how i was doing. It was very sweet of him to talk to me, really. It's like we're crooks up for a crime or something. LOL. Then i told him i'm not going home with Nurul because i wanted to enjoy the whole thing, and also because it was, then, planned that i'm going to CCK to visit my immediate cousins. But somehow halfway, my mom told me i'm going to Johore for a wedding, so i was forced to come home early. He was furious that i didn't go home with Nurul but i reasoned with him that it seemed rude to go home after 2 hours of sitting around and watching. I told him i would take a cab home. Then we hung up, he came back inside the house and eventually grabbed my shoulder to tell me whether i wants him to get a helmet at his house. I was slammed with shock again. "Huh??" Was all i said. He insisted on sending me back so i said OK and he went off. Everyone looked for him and asked me where he was but i was hesistant. I can't roar at them that he went home to get a helmet just so i could go home on the back of his motorcycle! What would they think?

But they were alright with it. Of course they are. It's the 21st century for Pete's sake! So, he sent me home at 10. He was sweet but still fuming for God knows what. I msged him again and told him to tell me anything that discomforts him. He didn't say anything concerning that so i guess he left that hanging. Oh well. Then i told him about the trip up to Johore and said i'll be leaving in the morning. And when dawn struck, i text him saying 'I love u' and that if he wakes up, just try to call me and see if i get his call. But he woke up hours too late and eventually text me - after i entered Singapore again and turned on my cellphone - saying he loves me too. It sooo brought a wide smile to my face and made my heart flutter like i never thought it would ever again. I missed him a whole lot at Johore, and i kept picturing what he's doing. I even thought he's busy msging some bitch, too. But he told me he's been a good boy ever since i left him so OK. LOL.

That was my day i guess. And now, as i delve my mind into a new romance contemporary book i bought - It Must Be Love by Rachel Gibson [Love! Love!] - and waste away my Christmas Eve holiday, i crunched down on nuts and bore myself to boredom. Yep, that bad. But oh well, i'm going off to CCK tomorrow, this time a confirmed trip up. LOL. We promised before and broke it, so i guess this one's the payback. =)

Enjoy your Christmas y'all!!!




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