Saturday 15 December 2007

Finally, i'm busy

Ah, sou sou(yes, yes). Holidays are finally here and we're all free from tests, exams, projects and whatnot! And what else could make the December holidays even more exhilirating? It's Christmas, and New Year's. Ah! Can't wait! Oh, not that i celebrate Christmas but really, who doesn't take the opportune moment of spending this day with family and friends? Even your loved ones? Dudes and dudettes out there, aren't y'all guilty of spending this day even though you're not one who celebrates Christmas? Haha! Not that i am going against rules or anything. It's a holiday and holidays are meant to be spent with loved ones, no? Hehe. And oh, don't get me started on the New Year's too! Saying it is like a drug! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! =) But unfortunately for me and ma beloved TP peeps, we havta go to SCHOOL on the 31st of December. What a horrid party pooper that would be. Sheesh. Who goes to school on New Year's eve??

Well, forget the future, let's talk about my schedule these 2 weeks of break. Next week, the whole week, i am possibly booked. One is my Chinese Lessons shared wit my di di and my lao shi: Shing Chi er te Shing Chi Shi. And then there's the Mummies Expedition my family plans to go at the Singapore Science Centre - can't wait for that! And that a possible outing with Nurul and Sarah, and Ida and Dily respectively. Hopefully my week won't go chaotic by the time it hits Monday. Haha. And then Saturday, i'm on a long-awaited date with my one and only. Hehe. Been so, so, so, so, SO long since we went out! Sheesh!

Oh and movies this month are piling up! From the sequel of National Treasure: National Treasure Book of Secrets - OOH! Can't wait!! - to the Alvin and the Chipmunks - sheesh! My beloved cartoon has gone silverscreen! YAY!! And right now, soooooooooo in need of a wardrobe UPGRADE. I think i've gone from boring to... to... ah!! I'm boring!!!! So not loving it. I need new jeans - BLACK if so possible - new clothes - chic, chic, chic - and a new bottle of Eau De Toilette (Perfume) - possibly DKNY that Tassha's using now. Ah, Tassha i want!!!!! =) Hehe.

So need new stuffs before 2007 hits 2008. Don't you all agree? You hit the new year, you've gotta get yourselves something new, either clothes, techs, whatnot. Ah!!!! I need new things in my life or else i grow bored even with my pathetic self! Sheesh!

Oh, i just remembered my TP peeps plans to go out, altogether on the 26th at East Coast! Ah! So ready, so ready, so ready!!! =) Hehe. I won't be sun-tanning but i sure am gonna have fun! Hehe. Definitely, Tassha's gonna sun-bathe beautifully, Terence gonna sulk somewhere and say "Waste time, waste time" to himself, Nigel would be laughing and become the 'wise' professor he is, Frederick will be saying awful stuffs to poor Tassha, and I, yours truly, would be eating her way to happiness. HAHAHA! Oh and i can imagine the thousands of photos we're gonna be taking! Hehe. Tassha, bring camera! =) Hehe. And i think we've gotta bring extra clothes, JUST IN CASE some certain peeps throws us into the beach. Don't wanna go home soaking wet now do we? No, no.

Alrighty. Grabbed these photos from Dily's friendster page. Love! Send me those pics!!! =) Hehe. Enjoy!

"Wal, the caring one" Was what Dily captioned on her Friendster. Love, thank you!!! =)

Kindda small but it's a lovely picture. Everyone had fun during Hari Raya. Me in white. =)

I know, it's small but thought of sharing a piece of my ITE past. =)

Hehe. Nice piccys i got right? =) I know. Because i'm in them ALL! HAHAHA!

Alrighty peeps, weekends are here so enjoy them as much as you can. I'm off for dinner with ma family, eating home-made LAKSA and maybe play some boring games that i'm long done with. Haha.




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