Saturday 23 February 2008

Work, FOOOOOODDD, and slippers

I wanna work!!!! I am serious, i so wanna wanna work! I have very interesting bookmarks on my Mozilla Firefox but they're asking for resumes. I don't friggin' have one! Shit. I wanna ask my dad to help me write one but i was afraid he might laugh at me, for God knows why. LOL. Well, i have to admit blogging here has turned into a nuisance/pest. But that ain't stopping me from writing anyways. I have both writer's and blogger's block and because of that i am going insane.

I just finished my Maths Main Exam, and guess what? I AM GONNA TAKE THE SUPP PAPER. Yes, how am i so confident? Well, most of the questions i can do, but the friggin' irritating part of the whole thing was that i have the methods in my head, BUT I CANNOT FRIGGIN' SOLVE THE FRIGGIN' QUESTION. How friggin' terrible is that? Sheesh! And now i have two more papers to deal with on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

On Monday there's the Academy Awards and i can't wait to watch it LIVE at 9am. After that i shall head off to the school library to meet up with Tassha and the others who wanna study NetFund. Not that i am being confident, but i think i can make it. But not with an A mark, though. Unfortunately. Oh well, as long as i pass papers that i can really do that won't be such a bummer at all. But the Maths paper, ARGH!!! I CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE SUPP PAPER, OR REPEAT THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' 6 MONTHS! Shit, i cannot waste time and embarrass myself. No no. Not gonna happen. NO!

Sigh. OK, my emotions are shooting through the roof because of one reason: MY ONLY PAIR OF LOVELY BROWN SLIPPERS HAS DIED. Yes, it died. The whole slipper came off and i had to drag my feet across dirty cement just outside CDC-UBI towards an awaiting taxi in a very packed traffic jam. I was so pissed because i had to stand half the time in the waiting room with my brother, and now under the hot sun i had to wait for at least 30 mins just to get a taxi that isn't HIRED. Halfway through, my boyfriend called and he was pissed because i let out my steam on him. Please, i have better things to do than yell at him just because of this. I'm not angry at him in the first place, what's the use of it right? Then he was being sensitive and said he wanna hang up. There he goes, making me feel friggin' guilty when i hadn't done anything wrong.

But right when we hung up, the taxi came and boy did i feel relieved. I had to embarrass myself all the way towards the taxi, and for giggles, THERE WAS A DOUBLE-DECKER BUS just beside me and i can tell they're all staring at me wondering what the hell was wrong with my right foot. I got into the taxi and thanked God for a pretty short distance towards my silver savior on wheels.

What an embarrassing and stupid experience! I've never gone through a snapped slipper in the middle of a busy road before. But i guess it's high time it did happen to me. Oh well, whatever. I'm home now, that's all that matters. =)

Oh and before i forget, to DILY my love, GOOD LUCK TO YOUR PRACTICAL DRIVING TEST! You know i'm gonna be there for you, right? I will hug you for whichever is the outcome come Tuesday. Hopefully you get a nice officer sitting beside you, too. =)

Rights, peeps. Off i go. Hungry, hungry, hungry!



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