Sunday 27 September 2009

a glimpse of my fixation

The sound of crashing waves on the pale, sandy beach startled me and I turned from the darkness that I appeared from. Confused for a moment I looked at my surroundings, questioning where I was. I raised my head to stare at the palest of blue skies I’ve ever seen, at the tall trees that shadowed the lush grass beneath my bare feet, and finally to the faraway cargo ships that stayed still and unmoving. With a furrowed brow, I took a step forward and watched the waves crash onto the shores again, causing white foam to form a line on the sand. I took another step forward. A gust of wind blew past me, swirling me about, ruffling my hair, giving me a whiff of an unfamiliar scent that hung in the crisp air. I inhaled once.

It smelt fruity.

I looked about, not knowing what I was looking for. I couldn’t find any fruits lying about, or any other people besides me for that matter.

“Where am I?”

The sun shone brighter now and I raised my hand to shelter my eyes from the sweltering heat. It burned my skin a little since I realised I was wearing a simple white linen shirt and jeans. I walked towards the shore and touched the waves that crashed and swallowed my feet. It was cool. I raised my head from watching the foam around my feet and looked at my surroundings again, slowly concluding, finally, where I am.

“This is Changi Beach…” I muttered.

This is just a taste of what i've been working on, irregularly, unfortunately. I really wish i had the opportunity to pursue my biggest of dreams, and that is to write a novel that i will cherish and love, and that my friends and family could be proud of; to say that I had written this. That i accomplished something in my life. That i am a writer.

It's not completed yet. Still stuck with some plots to slip into my "project". i'm hoping this will be a breakthrough for me because it's difficult to write with a local scene in mind. i have huge, beautiful scenes that are more suitable for the middle of the story - which is pretty much typical of me since i'm sucha huge sucker for heartbreaking drama in a story. i actually indulge in separations, and the reasons for separations, and then to read on on how they managed to pull thru and stick together despite the odds. i like plots like that. LOL.

Anyways, it's a Sunday. Will be expecting people to come. Wont be going out prolly. :( Sighs.

I miss you, all the time, MFBR. Thinking of you always and always, and more of it.

Take care, everyone. And God Bless.



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