Saturday 27 June 2009


On Monday. Before she fell sick and left me alone for a week..
OK OK, i was lying! Only a day :(

Giving her the tongue so she could get well soon. LOL

At the tennis court watching the guys, and Lina, play tennis. We had a BALL of a time ;D

Tassh being so bored out of her skirt, coaxed me to snap pics of us.
For ol' time sake :)

Failed to ruin faces, obviously. LOL

See, Nigel! My phone didn't crack! My smile can't be that lethal

Ghastly hand over my shoulder. Yikes!

Ida's 21st birthday. Stop pretending you're 18!

Waiting for Ida's dinner.

Still waiting.

Me and my fixation with my rings :D

Trying but failed to fix Ida's new laptop lolz

Still failing. Miserably.

For sale? I think not.

See my growth spurt! And Dily go short!

Ta-da! It's a miracle! :D


'Nuff said.

Pics speak a thousand words, and more in fact. Hehe. So what's up with me? Well, besides school (which is like the only life i have now -.-), and my work that i've been putting on "temporary" hold for the time being (1 day a week. Pathetic, i know) but i can't afford to quit. And i doubt my boss would let me leave since we're uhm... well *zips lips*

Anyway! MP's nearing it's much-awaited end. I'm gonna be shit-scared for my project but i mean seriously, who isn't? Everyone's shaking hands, legs, and heads everytime our supervisors waltzes in to our lab and realised we havent done a single thing they asked us to do. What kindda supervisor wouldn't be mad right?

Oh, and i'm currently re-reading my Eclipse (as you've read in my Twitter) :D It's the third installment to the Twilight SERIES (i totally dont get why people called it a Saga instead of a Series -.- lolz) However, to be honest, i've been avoiding the third book coz amongst all the four books i've read Eclipse is the saddest one of them all, if not New Moon too. New Moon is pretty sad coz it's about separation and the reunion, and the doubts. Eclipse is about confused love, the stress of it, the difficult decisions to make, and to finally realise you gotta hurt someone to be with another. Gawd, that's just too sad! Because of that, after i read it once i stashed it far, FAR away from my eyes and made sure i never touch that book until my tear ducts are full enough (or in this case, DRY enough so i wouldn't break down 3/4s of the way) Cross your fingers!

Oh and to everyone who didn't know, but i doubt anyone did not :) NEW MOON the movie is coming on the 3rd of December 2009!!! *screams* Mark your calenders everyone! And bring loads of tissues!

Oookay back to reality (yes, Tassh i shall stop with my Twilight addiction) i went out with boyfie yesterday night to catch "I Love You, Man" at SHAW HOUSE LIDO. It was terribly, awfully, horribly FUNNY!!! OHHHH EEMMMM GEEEEE!!! Those who havent watched it, *slaps* dont be stubborn and go watch it! It's amazing! It's so damn funny! Even my boyfie, whom i was worried sick over if he might not enjoy it, enjoyed it anyway! He laughed too! HAHAHA.

Heart him so~

Then during the LONG bus ride home, he kept saying he wanna be gay -.-

Uhm dude.. what about me, your GIRLFRIEND? Lol. He was joking, but he kept saying it so i'm kindda convinced he was only HALF-joking -__- lolz

Alrighty, enough pics to satisfy my anti-text bloghoppers, yet more than enough text to quench your thirst for lack of pictures. LOL.

Take care and God Bless! Enjoy the weekends!



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