Wednesday 18 March 2009

let me sign

Firstly, i shall not start my post with telling y'all the day, time, how the weather is, what music i'm listening to *coughFROMTWILIGHTSOUNDTRACKcough*, what i'm craving at this very moment *coughSLEEPcough*, and if i've got enough pictures to make you feel like this visit was fruitful. But unfortunately, none of them will be seen here because i just dont feel like it's necessary anymore.

I just got back from a long trip to Sedenak, Johore visiting my Uncle and Aunt, but ended up snoozing the whole trip from S'pore, up to their home where i snoozed some more, and left their home where i took control of the car and sped home. :) Hehe. And then, three messages filled my screen. Two from Cynthia of CF and one from Hafiz.

Apparently, i'm called back to work tomorrow at 9.30am. Le sigh.. was planning to go out with my mother, my sister, my aunt and my other two cousins. But too bad then, since mom insists i go but keep my Saturday free coz of a function Darul Ihsan organized. They're hoping it'd be a huge turnout, but they're inviting the people who aren't even anywhere near involved - actively - with the council. Oh well, least i get to see other people besides the usual faces of the staffs there. ;)

Other than that, life's been pretty so-so. Nothing bad happened, but neither anything small happened either. It all happened unexpectedly: like me going back home with a colleague who lives in Tampines too. We've known each other since i came back to work in CF and we just got started going home together recently, like last week. He asked if i wanted to go back with him, and besides feeling surprised, in my head i thought "Hey, why not?"

It was nice having company once in awhile when coming home from a tiresome day at work. He was entertaining, too. Chatted so much from work to our station at Tampines. LOL. He seemed so engrossed with whatever i tell him. Hehe. Nice guy.

Well, that's it i guessed. I just thought updating my blog would kill some free time for me. :)

Til next time, take care and God bless :D


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